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How to write powerful copy for your wellness business


Memorable and magnetic copy WORKS

You’ve got all the qualifications and a BIG mission to transform the world by spreading wellness far and wide. 

But your college course didn’t include training you to write great copy for your business: and you’ve realised that day in, day out, you need to use words to explain what you do and why people should buy it. 

Memorable and magnetic copy WORKS. But you’re not Shakespeare. Words aren’t your strong point. And every time you try to distil what you do onto paper, or create ‘content’ that’s meant to get you customers, it always comes out garbled. 

That’s where Copy That Connects comes in.

This access anytime course will give you confidence to write engaging copy so that you can go forth and build your thriving and much needed wellness business, knowing your words are doing the talking for you.

With that in mind, you might feel that these statements hit eerily close to home…

You’re spending more hours than you’d like to admit on posting to socials, and then feeling so mentally wrung out by your efforts you’re left wondering, how can you psych yourself up to do it all again tomorrow? 

You’re putting stuff out into the world - albeit sporadically - and you’ve been deflated at getting nothing but tumbleweed back. You’ve been asking yourself, “Do I have to share every sordid detail of my life in order to get people’s attention?” 

You feel you are shouting into the abyss. You’re secretly a little embarrassed to admit that you don’t really know who it is you’ve been writing all this stuff for - or why, but you see that’s what successful wellness pros seem to do, so you keep going even though it feels pointless.

You could fill countless digital waste paper baskets with torn up copy you’ve started and then discarded. You’re a full-time fiddler. You’ve written, re-written and re-re-written your About page so many times that the words now all look like squiggly nonsense and you’re too confused yourself about what you wanted to say to send other people there. 

But what if...

Hey, wellness warrior, let’s put an end to all that and make THIS your new reality…

Your soulmate clients have started telling you that what you write in your emails, blog posts and website pages had them nodding along and felt like you were inside their heads.

You get enquiries from ideal customers through your website and your content gets a response. Replies, comments, direct messages, you’re finally having the conversations you’ve craved.

You’re tapping into your inner creative fire and feeling excited about the writing you *get* to do for your business, rather than burying your head and ignoring it.
You know EXACTLY who you are trying to help with your copy and feel flippin’ great about being able to use writing in email, socials and blogs to help them achieve their dream lives.

Other wellness pros are reaching out to you to ask what your secret is - your newfound confidence and clarity is getting noticed.

You’re cultivating a quiet - but firm - voice in your head that says, “I believe in myself, my message and I *can* find the words!”

You’re discovering the elusive balance between time “in” your business and time “on” your business and you’ve developed a content plan that works for you.

Hello! We are Vicky and Lea...

...a business mentor and professional copywriter and we’ve created this course for you, you go-getting health professional. We’ve worked together for many years supporting others with their writing and have made a living and gotten found through our words. Now we want to show you how it’s done so you can do the same. 

This course has been screaming to be released for a while; powerful copy is something that we help people with together in the Just Start Now community of wellbeing practitioners. It is SO important to get right as it can help you sell in your sleep and connect instantly, yet it's something that we see far too many people continuing to struggle with. 

We don't see anyone teaching wellness business owners how to actually get better at it and to own and hone it for themselves and so this course was born. 

Here’s what we’ll cover in 6 modules together


The Foundations - using words to create customers

Copy for your website part 1 - nailing your essential pages


Copy for your website part 2 - soulful sales pages

Copy for your mailing list part 1 - the bread and butter regulars

Copy for your mailing list part 2 - sharing your sales-y stuff


Copy for social media - writing content to stop the scroll

Struggling to get your words to connect with your clients? We can help you.

Join this access anytime course now 👇🏼 to get your step-by-step guide to writing great copy.


Notes from clients


“Before Copy That Connects I was struggling with writing for one type of client, having sales pages that actually encouraged clients to book in calls and knowing what content to produce. Now that I know who I am talking to, what they need and why I love helping them so much writing has shifted from feeling like a burden to being of service..”


“This was such a great course Lea Tierney and Vicky Shilling, I'd honestly still be staring at my keyboard wondering where to start without it. Great exercises and fantastic support and feedback all the way through. I may even have a website soon thanks to you both.”

Natasha Whelehan

“Before Copy That Connects, I was feeling really ‘flat’ about writing and I was struggling with it in general. I wanted to get a kick start on writing again and finish updating my website. During the course I redid my home page which I’m especially proud of, and I also reminded myself of the importance of being in the right headspace and writing specifically to my ideal client.”


“I have got my ideal clients out of that digital dusty drawer again! I missed them I have realised. This week I started to write again and not give it a title i.e. blog post or social post but just write! And I felt less pressure and enjoyed it more, I then went back and reviewed it and sorted it into a blog or post etc. It felt good - thanks ladies.”


“OMG I adored the exercises in Copy That Connects. My homepage was boring AF before I did this - now it feels buzzy and so much more like me.”


“I am loving the structure and format to help craft these pieces of content. It breaks it down beautifully and stops the overwhelm and procrastination. I’m finding myself wanting to get to my desk and write - thank you!”


“Prior to Copy That Connects, I was struggling with how to create engaging copy for my website, as well as how to write compelling copy for email and social media. All my expectations were met. I'm really pleased with all the copy I created, especially for my website - having a formula was so helpful.”


“Before taking this course I was lacking in confidence in my ability to create copy that can really connected with my ideal client. The course was so helpful! Just getting help with structuring the content, the language to use and scheduling it all was invaluable. I also loved that you could reuse and repurpoe content throughout which I love and will definitely be doing more.”


“[Vicky’s] honesty on what it takes to build a successful wellness business is a breath of fresh air. I trusted her guidance implicitly and knew early on I had made the right decision in choosing to have her as my mentor. [She] really is the expert in her field and was always so generous with sharing her knowledge and what she has learned along the way.”


“Lea has a great deal of knowledge and shares generously. Her insight, ability and commitment to create a marketing message that relates to your brand and as importantly your brand emotion is amazing.”


“Vicky I had to tell you… just had a lady email me out of the blue to say that when she read my home page she was like.. YES that’s me! She has gone on to book a block of 1:1s. So I wanted to say thank you because your advice really helped me write the copy."


This is for you if...

You’ve made showing up consistently a non-negotiable for your business this year.

You’re ready to face the negative stories and blocks in your mind that you have around writing for your business and take full responsibility for what you can achieve (because you are a good writer, we can show you!).

You’re set on starting a blog or mailing list to help your business get noticed and you’re ready to invest in yourself to make these a success and a key part of your marketing strategy this year and beyond.

You are SO OVER running screaming from your keyboard at the thought of crafting sales copy (‘cos you’ve still got bills to pay) and are ready to embrace an easy and enjoyable way to bring in customers with your writing.

This is NOT for you if...

 â€œI don’t have time for that!” is your line, and you’re sticking to it.

You don’t see how investing in your copywriting confidence will make a real, lasting impact on how you show up in your business - and you’re just going to get someone else to do it for you (or sit around complaining that it’s really hard).

You want a done-for-you “magic bullet” solution. To master your copy you will need to do the work and get those words on the page. We’re here to help and keep you accountable and we’ll lavish you with feedback and advice on whatever you bring to us during this course, but we can’t do it for you.

A word from your co-facilitators:

Vicky wants you to know that…

“We know only too well that it's not accessible to everybody to outsource all of the writing that’s needed in your wellness business. In creating this course, we knew we had an absolute treasure trove of wisdom to share and really focused on packing in the real essentials that can be revisited time and time again, without overwhelming business owners. 

We’re excited to have co-created something that is highly interactive, so that you’re actually *doing* rather than passively learning. We can’t wait to see you coming away from this course having told us, “I've FINALLY updated this page”, or “I'm so happy with this email I’ve written” and better still, “someone booked in because they read my words and knew it was a perfect fit!”. It’s your turn!”

And Lea wanted to share that…

“Running this course for you as co-creators is a bit of a no-brainer really - you get access to the wisdom of an award winning blogger and mind gremlin busting business mentor alongside a does-this-writing-thing-every-damn-day-for-a-living copywriter. That’s a f*ck tonne of grey matter to pick - and value for your business - that you rarely find. Having that grounding and confidence in the fundamentals makes just about everything in business flow more easily; because it all begins with that compelling conversation that forges a lasting connection.

Seeing you show up and create content in your business with clarity and confidence is what makes us do a little happy dance - every time. I've seen from our Copywriting Clinics inside the Just Start Now community, that when members take feedback and apply it across the board with their stuff, they're “getting it” a lot quicker. Rather than using stuff in isolation and treating it as a siloed or a one off thing. It’s amazing seeing it “drop” for people.”

Vicky Shilling

About the course creators

Nutritionists, personal trainers, yoga teachers, health coaches, anyone in the health sphere - you are my people. 

I support you with everything you need to turn your expertise into income and enable you to help thousands of clients along your way, right from the ground up. 

No dodgy sales tactics, no complicated tech funnels, no business-boss burn out. 

Through practical tips and mindset shifts I’ll help you achieve steady and sustainable business growth, whether you’re a beginner or a few years in.
Knowing what you’re doing at a functional level combined with self-confidence and a deep-rooted belief in yourself means you get the outcomes you want.

business mentor for solopreneur health professionals.

My motto is: Strategy + Beliefs = Business Prosperity

Lea Tierney

I help overwhelmed and frustrated heart-led business owners with an aversion to “selling” to attract more of their soulmate clients through intentional storytelling. 

Together, we create digital sanctuaries for their ideal clients; writing blogs, websites, newsletters and creating lead magnets that support those people in living their own dream lives.

I don’t believe good storytelling is something that should be shrouded in mystery; it’s entirely attainable with training. I also don’t believe in doing-all-the-things or being-in-all-the-places, especially if your heart isn’t in it – because that sh*t shows.

Copywriter and Messaging Mentor for heart-led businesses. A.K.A. The heart-led business owners' champion

Struggling to get your words to connect with your clients? We can help you.

Join this access anytime course now 👇🏼 to get your step-by-step guide to writing great copy.


Frequently Asked Questions

When is this course running and what time are the live calls?

We ran this course live twice in 2023 but have now made it available as an access-anytime course so you can get it now and use it whenever you’re ready.

We cover website, email and social media copy so this is a resource you’ll be able to come back to over and over as you dedicate time to each of these elements of your business.

We may run a live round again but currently no dates are confirmed

Once I’ve done this course, will I be a fully fledged writer for my business?

Now, look, we need to be realistic here; you do not become a fully fledged writer overnight. This is a practice, that takes practice. It’d probably take more than a year of consistently working on your writing to reach that goal (and, to be fair, we’ve both been doing this writing thing for years and still sometimes don’t feel we’re ‘fully fledged’ at this writing thing either! 

Rather than (over) promising that you'll come out of this having every single thing written for your business and rivalling War & Peace levels of content output on the daily, actually what we’re doing is helping you to do the groundwork, lay strong foundations, develop your toolkit and start smashing some of those mindsets blockers that get in the way of you putting yourself Out There right now. We will, of course, share options for you to continue on your journey at the end of this container if you want to keep learning and honing the skill of writing for your business.

How long do I get access to the content if I join the course?

Lifetime access! And obviously 'lifetime' means for as long as my business is running and I am producing and hosting all of this work.

It's not quite the right time for me. Will you be running this copywriting course again?

We ran this course live twice in 2023. The course is now available as an access-anytime course so you can get it immediately and use it whenever you’re ready - however there will be no personalised feedback or support.

The training covers website, email and social media copy so this is a resource you’ll be able to come back to over and over as you dedicate time to each of these elements of your business.

We may run a live round again but currently no dates are confirmed.

I haven’t really started my business yet, is this the right point for me to be investing in my copywriting skills?

100% yes. If you've just qualified and you're already feeling daunted at the prospect of all the writing you need to do to bring in customers, this course will be a perfect grounding to give you a fundamental skill set you’ll use daily. 

If you’re a total business newbie you might not be able to apply everything we teach immediately, for example if you don’t yet have a website or email list set up. But by learning the foundations and testing out some writing with us you’ll be well set up when you get them launched and the course content is something you’ll be able to come back to time and again as you get the business off the ground. 

How much time do I need to dedicate to this course?

The 6 modules of content each last a maximum of one hour long and can be viewed or listened to in your own time, it’s broken down into bite-size pieces so it’s easy to tackle. Naturally any further time you’re able to give to practice your writing skills will enhance your confidence and skills. It’s never just the viewing it’s the doing that gets the results!

Is there a community?

No, this is a self-paced course to progress through in your own time. We hope to run another live round again in the future for anyone that has purchased the course if you want extra accountability and feedback, but no dates are currently set. 

I’m not actually a wellness business owner but you are 100% speaking my language with this one, can I still join?

Absolutely, everyone is welcome. The methods and strategies we teach really are applicable across any industry, we just love helping wellness professionals and have tailored this course for them. 

As long as you understand that most of the examples that we use in the training are drawn from people with health based businesses and you can make the leap to apply it to your own industry, there’s a place for you inside. 

I’m already a member of Just Start Now but this sounds great, do I need to sign up?

If you’re a Just Start Now member already you just need to let us know you want to take part in Copy That Connects: drop us an email to and we can add your access. 

Š Vicky Shilling Ltd. 2019-2025 

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