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Work with me

You’re here because you want to 

have an impact

I can show you how to overcome your paralysis and grow the self-belief you need for a thriving business.

I’m passionate about helping solopreneur health professionals become Just Start Now people, with powerful self-belief shifts. 

You've downloaded all the guides.
You follow all the online marketing gurus.
You've tried to implement the strategies. 

But it never sticks. You stop and start. You question yourself. You wobble and worry. There's a voice in your head that seems to undermine you, rather than cheerlead for you. And it's not going away. 

If this sounds familiar, my work is for you.

I work with wellness practitioners who:

  • Know what they 'should' be doing, but identify as high functioning procrastinators, doing anything but the tasks that will move the needle and create a viable business
  • Are incredibly well qualified and trained up to the eye-balls, but can't seem to turn that knowledge into income and impact, with nowhere near the clients they'd like to be supporting 
  • Have reached the point where more business or social media advice is no longer going to cut it. You know something needs to change and looking inside is the next step to getting results. 

Self-doubt is normal, but it doesn't need to run the show

Get the support you need

1:1 coaching


This is your chance to change your inner dialogue and start backing yourself in self-employment.
Say goodbye to paralysis.


Power up!


You’re ready with an offer you want to put out into the world! How would it feel to sort your launch wobbles in one session?


Review it


Got an online presence but not converting into clients? I'll review how compelling your message is and how your offers could attract more enquiries.


What my clients say


“Working with Vicky gave me more confidence in myself and my services.

I loved the accountability and the access to the Just Start Now resources. In our time together I developed the confidence to increase my prices and doubled my revenue compared to the previous year.

Thank you for your support and believing in my vision!"

Amanda Place, Sculptrition

“I feel much more in the flow and feel like I have much more clarity.

Working with Vicky has most definitely shifted me out of a big rut and massively improved my confidence. I almost find it hard to remember what I was feeling like before as things have become almost second nature now.

A big thank you Vicky for all of your help and support, it's been super invaluable and I've really loved working with you. I don't want it to end!"

Emily Barker, Fertility Nutritionist

"Goodbye overwhelm! Hello aligned action.

I knew Vicky was the right person to bring me and my business to the next level. Her practical, no nonsense, supportive approach really resonated with me. She has an amazing way of breaking down the path to business success into clear actionable steps.... 

I loved working with Vicky. Her expertise, support and wealth of really great resources made the investment absolutely worth it and I wouldn't hesitate to recommend her or work with her myself again!"

Kate O'Dwyer, Visibility and Business Coach

Are you my dream client?

You’re a perfect fit for what I offer if:

  • You’re a solopreneur that feels you’re self-sabotaging and getting in your own way of business success 
  • You have ambitions and dreams for your practice but despite doing all the things, those dreams aren’t happening and you’re feeling stuck 
  • You understand the practical stuff that needs to happen, but it’s the inner turmoil that is eating you up 
  • You feel you’re fighting with yourself constantly, trying to push through to make a business work and it’s leaving you feeling exhausted 

Speaking & lecturing

Key to my mission is getting in front of new audiences with talks, presentations and workshops that dive into the vital self-belief work needed to make a dream wellness business a reality.

Speaking topic examples include but are not limited to: 

  • The role of self-worth in entrepreneurial success
  • How to conquer imposter syndrome in the world of wellness
  • Transforming Fear of Failure into Fuel for Success
  • How to Overcome Self-Doubt and Thrive as a Solopreneur
  • Courageous Goal Setting: A new way to achieve your goals if you struggle with self-doubt

Tailored and focused ‘How To’ topics:

  • How to sell without feeling ‘icky
  • How to turn criticism into self-belief 
  • How to identify your protective beliefs and start to shift them

I am very happy to create bespoke talks and workshops focused on your specific needs and the message you need your audience to walk away with. If you have an idea of what you’d like to communicate to your audience and think I’d be a great fit for your event or community, please don’t hesitate to contact me.


Frequently Asked Questions

What happened to Just Start Now? Can I still join?

I’ve taken the decision to stop taking new sign-ups for Just Start Now as I step fully into self-belief coaching.

I want to hone my coaching skill and get business owners big shifts and changes with their self-belief, and so this will be my focus for the coming year. I will no longer be offering practical and strategic business advice and support beyond the Platform Audits I do.

© Vicky Shilling Ltd. 2019-2024 

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