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March 3, 2020

Why no-one cares what qualifications you have (and what they look for instead)

I'm Vicky Shilling

A Self Belief Business Coach, podcast host, author and I help you overcome your paralysis and grow the self-belief you need to grow a thriving business.

My magic is in helping you cultivate a mindset that supports the actions that you need to take to get the outcomes you desire.

Strategy + Beliefs =
Business Prosperity


What do you need help with?

Here’s why this is important: Yes, your qualifications are important but is this the only reason why someone wants to work with you?

Read on to find out what your ideal client really looks for when making their decision to work with you… or not.

I see a lot of nutritionists online. I spend a good bit of time searching around on Instagram for my ideal clients and scour a lot of profiles.  

Big followings, small followings. Nutritionists just getting started. Those that are more established. 

I see them all. 

Do you want to know the one, consistent mistake I see them making? 

They put WAY too much emphasis on their qualifications. 

A quick scan through their content reveals shouty, pushy posts on their grid insisting that their qualification means they’re the best expert.

That because they’re fully certified that’s the reason you should work with them. 

Sometimes they’re even imploring their audience to check the qualifications of the people they get their advice from, because there’s sooooo much bad advice out there.

You need to know your NT Dip BANT from your ANutr or your MSc Dietitian!

Don’t you know who’s trustworthy and who’s not?!

Come on people!  

I roll my eyes

Sorry, but those posts do absolutely ZERO to get you more clients. 

And yes, I can hear you. You’re screeching at your screen – BUT VICKY! Qualifications are so important!  

I’m waaaaay more qualified than some influencer selling shakes! 

I studied for years! This stuff means something!


Building a health and wellness business


Yes babes. Yes, you are more qualified.

 Yes you’ve got the certificates and the clinic hours and the CPD. 

And all that’s important in so many ways. 

It’s important to keep the industry trustworthy. It’s important to cause no harm to the public with our advice. It’s important to continually improve and stay up-to-date with the ever-changing evidence and discoveries in the world of nutrition so you can best help people.

It’s important to you. 


Your ideal customer couldn’t care less. 

It’s not their responsibility to check your certificates.

It’s not their responsibility to ask if you’ve done your CPD. 

It’s not their responsibility to know the difference between how you work and what a GP does.

When they come to your website, they don’t admire your accreditation logo or check out the top-quality institution you studied with.

They don’t buy your packages or book a discovery call because they think you’re a member of the best organisation or have the most letters after your name. 

When it comes to marketing, your qualification means nothing.


Starting a health and wellness business


So what does matter? 

What is the only thing people care about when they come to you on social media or visit your website or pick up one of your leaflets? 


And the transformation you’re going to be able to give them when they work with you. 

In marketing terms, that is simply all that matters. 

  • Do you understand the issues they are struggling with? 

  • Do you specialise in the area they’re suffering in? 

  • Can you solve their biggest pain point or problem when it comes to their health? 


Boiling it right down, that is all they care about. 

And if that’s the case, and it’s not your qualifications at all, you need to pipe down about your diploma and certificates and start highlighting the solutions you offer in all of your messaging. 

All over your website, in all your blog posts and emails. And in your social media content and captions. 


You need to be saying to them: 

I understand your problem. 

And I can help you solve it. 

Book a call to find out how. 

That’s it. 


Sound too simple? What do you think? 

If you’re struggling to identify your ideal client in your wellness business or to articulate how you solve their issues, I’d love to help.



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