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Just Start Now podcast graphic with Jodie Brandman on pink ground

March 23, 2020

[015] Lessons learned from multiple career paths with Jodie Brandman

I'm Vicky Shilling

A Self Belief Business Coach, podcast host, author and I help you overcome your paralysis and grow the self-belief you need to grow a thriving business.

My magic is in helping you cultivate a mindset that supports the actions that you need to take to get the outcomes you desire.

Strategy + Beliefs =
Business Prosperity


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Some of the things we talked about:

  • Jodie’s career path through psychology, food truck owner to Nutritional Therapist.
  • Feeling like a failure when something doesn’t work out at the time, even though with hindsight it feels like everything happens for a reason
  • Different versions of success – what society tells us vs. what really makes us happy
  • Constantly striving for the next step and the career ladder, rather than tapping into our own intuition and doing what we love
  • How to learn when to pivot and jump between different paths
  • Using the language of your ideal clients, rather than needing to be ‘science-y’ to prove you have expertise
  • Marketing to other people in our field, rather than our ideal audience, because of fear of judgement from peers. Being unique and helping people in a different way from everyone else
  • Feeling like we’ve not ‘got there’ and ‘made it’ yet, which makes us reluctant to share our journeys when things aren’t going to plan.
  • How becoming successful doesn’t happen overnight, even if we believe in the Law of Attraction and trust we can manifest anything into our lives. We have to do the work and sometimes that feels hard and takes time.
  • The importance of asking for help when we are growing our businesses. We don’t have to figure it out by ourselves, and with help we can fast-track our growth.


In this episode I recommended Tara Mohr’s book Playing Big. Read more about my book recommendations in this blog post.

Jodie recommended the James Clear book The Compound Effect. I recommended Brooke Castillo’s The Life Coach School episode about The Compound Effect.


Find out more about Jodie Brandman:

Jodie Brandman’s website

Jodie Brandman on Instagram

Jodie Brandman on Facebook

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