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December 11, 2023

[094] What I’ve learned training as a self-belief coach this year

I'm Vicky Shilling

A Self Belief Business Coach, podcast host, author and I help you overcome your paralysis and grow the self-belief you need to grow a thriving business.

My magic is in helping you cultivate a mindset that supports the actions that you need to take to get the outcomes you desire.

Strategy + Beliefs =
Business Prosperity


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This year I’ve invested in my own skills as a coach so that I can better serve my clients and the Just Start Now community. And after years of waiting for the right course to come along I chose Sas Petherick’s Self-Belief Academy.

Having trained April to November 2023, I wanted to share with you my biggest take-aways now I understand self-doubt and self-belief so much more and what I’ll be bringing to my work and programmes going forward with this learning.

In this episode I talk about:
  • What is self-doubt? The self-doubt loop, the 7 key risks we’re all trying to avoid and the 6 P’s of resistance that you are more than likely falling into (see diagrams below)
  • What causes self-doubt? How the course has shown me a way, even as a coach, to touch on my clients’ past experiences, traumas and understandings of the world and how this impacts their beliefs and decisions going forward
  • Meeting the protector. Reframing and building a relationship with the protective part of your mind that is not actually a horrible part of us, but in fact a loving part that is keeping you safe.
  • How to embody self-belief. With tools like the belief buster and entering into small but powerful experiments to test out new beliefs that are more conducive with taking ‘just start now’ action
  • How to deal with conflict. Whether it’s potential or real, being a solopreneur means there is always risk of conflict and disagreement with others – whether in your marketing or your work itself.
  • Courageous goal setting. How not everyone is goal driven (like me!) and the ideas and concepts I’ve learned that I will bring into my goal setting sessions going forward.

What is self-doubt?

NB. This diagram is copyright Self-Belief Coaching Academy

7 key risks (set off in the alarm):

  • Rejection
  • Conflict
  • Success
  • Judgement
  • Failure
  • Complexity
  • Disappointment

The Six P’s of Resistance:

  1. Procrastination
  2. Perfectionism
  3. Proving yourself
  4. Passive behaviours
  5. Paralysis
  6. Pleasing others

If you’re interested in learning more about Sas Petherick’s work on self-belief:

Learn more about Self-Belief School (available to all)

Learn more about the Self-Belief Coaching Academy (SBCA) course I took (applicable for already trained coaches)

Any questions about this episode drop me an email (, send me a DM on Instagram or book in a chat here.

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