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November 7, 2019

10 essential podcasts for wellness entrepreneurs

I'm Vicky Shilling

A Self Belief Business Coach, podcast host, author and I help you overcome your paralysis and grow the self-belief you need to grow a thriving business.

My magic is in helping you cultivate a mindset that supports the actions that you need to take to get the outcomes you desire.

Strategy + Beliefs =
Business Prosperity


What do you need help with?

Who doesn’t love a podcast?

Read on to find out the best podcasts for practical tips and inspiration, from helping you build your business to keeping up with industry news.

I am a total podcast obsessive. Are you?

I find podcasts are the greatest way to consume information and inspiration on the go. They have a much more powerful reach and ability to capture our attention compared with videos and written blog content (as much as I love those things too!).

There are absolutely loads of podcasts out there aimed at business building and entrepreneurial mindset, where do you start?

I’ll be honest, I’ve tried quite a few of the podcasts that are specifically aimed at wellness business owners and I haven’t really stuck with any of them. None of them really captured me or spoke in a way that really engaged me for longer than a few episodes.

Instead this list contains my current addictions that I think you might enjoy too, whether you’re a wellness entrepreneur or not.

These are much more broad and diverse than you might expect. But personally I like a mix of inspiration and to pick up tips about business building, mindset and tools that work across industries, not just specifically for the wellness industry.

I’ll be honest, my favourites do change a lot! So I may well come back to revisit this list next year and give you some fresh ideas.

But for the moment, dive into these and get them in your earholes. Essential listening if you’re growing a wellness business.


Podcast recommendations for health business owners


1. Courageous Content with Janet Murray

[When I wrote this article in 2019 Janet’s podcast was called the Janet Murray Podcast, then the Build Your Online Audience Podcast. Janet ended that podcast in April 2021 and started Courageous Content instead, but you can still access old episodes of the original podcast here]

Janet is straight-talking, no-nonsense and this podcast is full of absolute gems with super practical advice. It has great guests as well as Janet’s own personal experience and recommendations when it comes to growing an online business in areas like mailing lists, social media, content marketing and getting press (with her background as a journalist).

It’s not the kind of podcast for a relaxing walk though. Be prepared to need a notepad and pen or to feel like you need to take action during or immediately after listening!

Listen to Janet Murray Courageous Content podcast now.

2. The Life Coach School Podcast with Brooke Castillo



Obsessed doesn’t come close to how I feel about this podcast. There are so so many nuggets of wisdom that come out of the mouth of master coach Brooke Castillo I simply don’t know where to start.

If you’re going to listen to this one I would highly recommend you go back to the beginning and at least listen to episodes 1-10 because they will explain Brooke’s game-changing ‘The Model’ on which she bases all her teaching and coaching.

Get ready to have your mind blown. I don’t really have enough words for it!

Listen to The Life Coach School podcast now.


3. Creatively Human with Ruth Poundwhite

Creatively Human Ruth Poundwhite


Ruth’s podcast crept onto the scene a year ago and really got me hooked. I absolutely love her honest revelations about running her business around things like failure and burn-out and how she’s doing it all in her own way, particularly as an introvert. There are lots of practical tips as well as topics to really make you contemplate.

Stay tuned as I may just be featuring as a guest on Creatively Human in the next season.


Listen to Ruth Poundwhite’s Creatively Human podcast now.


4. Choiceology with Katy Milkman



I bet you haven’t heard of this one before! I can’t remember where I heard it recommended by Choiceology is a left-field suggestion that I’ve become really addicted to.

It’s all based around the science of how we make choices in life and how we can retrain our brains to make better ones when our natural tendencies lead us down the wrong path.

The podcast is hosted by securities broker Charles Schwab (which I only realise now I’m researching to tell you this!), so there are a few mentions about making choices for investments. But the advice and insights are very broad and I find fascinating to apply to any walk of life about why we make the choices we do and what influences them.

Listen to Choiceology now.


5. The Happiness Lab



This is a relatively new podcast from Malcolm Gladwell’s production company Pushkin Industries and features Yale professor Dr Laurie Santos who is teaching the now infamous course at the American university all about the science of wellbeing (you can actually take the course for free and learn remotely).

The episodes so far have been an intriguing mix of myth busting around what we think makes us happy, coupled with the science and evidence to blow those preconceptions apart.

I found the episode called Making The Grade – all about examining and grading in our education system and the detrimental effect it has on us, as well as the episode called Mistakenly Seeking Solitude about how much we need interaction with other human beings to make us happy, totally mind-blowing.

Listen to The Happiness Lab podcast now.


6. The Imperfect Life Podcast

The Imperfect Life Podcast


Kerry Lyons is definitely one of my favourite human beings on the planet and I’ve been working with her as a coach across this year to help me in my own business.

We launched our podcasts on the same day (September 2019 seemed a popular time – I seem to remember there were three others as well that Monday!) but Kerry’s has stuck as one to listen to.

Kerry breaks down lots of fear, mindset and attitude blocks we have towards achieving our goals and “breaking free from the day job.” She’s a constant cheerleader for women doing their own thing and shares her own journey and experiences of doing things imperfectly to prove what’s possible.

Listen to The Imperfect Life podcast now.


7. Letters From A Hopeful Creative



This is the perfect combination for me of two greats in the world of online business and coaching in the form of Sara Tasker of Me & Orla, and creative coach Jen Carrington.

Both are full of wisdom and insight into building communities and businesses in understated but wildly successful ways.

I love that they both have such different takes on things. For example the Q&A episode about mailing lists was fascinating because they both have such different approaches which proves we can all be successful doing things our own way. They also talk about working with chronic illness if that resonates.

By the way this isn’t one you can listen to on 1.5x (as I know a lot of you people do for efficiency!). Jen speaks so fast I can barely keep up in regular time, let alone if you dial her up!

Listen to Letters From A Hopeful Creative now.


8. & 9. BBC Radio 4 – All in the Mind and Inside Health

Okay total disclosure – I do use these two podcasts to help me go to sleep sometimes!

However I do find that they’re a fantastic insight into current trends and issues in the health industry, which keeps to up-to-speed with what my clients and the people they treat are facing.

Inside Health is very much about topical health issues and covers anything from drugs and the pharmacy industry, popular treatments, vaccines, hospitals, health campaigns and more.

All In the Mind covers great psychology themes and ideas like mental heath, performance anxiety, mindfulness in schools, loneliness depression and the effects of CBD as just a few examples. You might like the episode with Adam Kay, writer of This Is Going To Hurt as a starter.

Listen to Inside Health now.

Listen to All In The Mind now.


10. Just Start Now

Just Start Now podcast Vicky Shilling


I couldn’t really do a round-up of podcast recommendations without throwing in my own now, could I?

If you’re a wellness entrepreneur or have aspirations to run your own health based business, I’ve got you covered.

I do a blend of solo tips episodes on really practical things like starting a mailing list, growing a social media following and selling yourself, as well as great interviews with movers and shakers in the wellness industry who share successes, failures and insight into areas of growing a business you might be facing yourself.

Listen to Just Start Now…. now!




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