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May 12, 2020

3 reasons why you haven’t taken your wellness business online yet 

I'm Vicky Shilling

A Self Belief Business Coach, podcast host, author and I help you overcome your paralysis and grow the self-belief you need to grow a thriving business.

My magic is in helping you cultivate a mindset that supports the actions that you need to take to get the outcomes you desire.

Strategy + Beliefs =
Business Prosperity


What do you need help with?

Here’s why this is important: There’s no getting away from the online world, in some form or other, so how do you take your business online?

Read on to find out what’s really holding you back and what you can do about it

The last few months have been crazy for everyone.  

But there’s been one consistent trend you can’t fail to have spotted:

Everyone is taking their health and wellness businesses online

It looks from the outside like it’s super easy: just whack up a sales page, fill it with loads of ideal customers and then deliver a brilliant presentation. All from the comfort of your own home. 

And yet… You’re still here. 

You have no idea what to do an online workshop about, how to price it, where to find people who would book or whether there’s any need for you at all in what now feels like a crowded market.

Never mind the terrifying thought of actually mastering the technology and delivering the thing!

 So you haven’t joined in. 

And the trouble is… 

You know you’re missing out. Big time.


Building a wellness business


It’s truth time, so hold on to your big-girl pants and let’s look at the 3 biggest reasons you’re holding yourself back from moving online:

  1. You think the market is too saturated

 This is the biggest reason I hear people tell me they haven’t started running online workshops. 

“There’s just so many people out there already offering stuff, I don’t know what I would do that would be different.” 

Ermm….. how about you? You are always your USP. The way you talk, think, the expertise you bring, the experience you have, the clients you’ve worked with before, the tone and style and sass and youness has never been done before!  

Yes, I’m not going to lie, there are a lot of people out there doing online workshops right now. There are lots of people doing self-care workshops, or quick dinner cooking demos or immunity-boosting tips.

But no-one does it like you.  

If you don’t believe you are unique and have something to offer then we don’t have an online workshop problem here, we have a self-belief problem. And that’s way more detrimental to your business than getting an online workshop up and running.



Starting a Wellness business


2. You don’t know what to do an online workshop about

For all the ideas you have and the excitement you feel about your business, when it comes to committing to a topic for an online workshop you’re totally paralysed. 

There isn’t a magic answer to this question. So if you’re waiting for it to suddenly appear to you on a blank sheet of paper then you’re going to be waiting a long time.

If there was one guaranteed topic to run online wellness workshops about, then guess what? We’d all be doing it about that! 

Choosing your topic is all about a blend of:

  • Finding a topic you’re really passionate about and you love to share about 

  • Finding a topic that really resonates with your ideal customers and answers a specific need that they have right now 

Combining these two and coming up with a topic takes knowledge about yourself and your strengths as a practitioner as well as being tapped in to the people you most want to help and what they’re struggling with.  

Here’s the truth: your first online workshop topic won’t be perfect. 

You’re not going to hit the nail on the head the first time you do this (though of course it’s possible!). 

You’re going to have to try things out and see what works and what gets good results. You’re going to have to ask people for input and feedback. 

You’re going to have to see the whole thing as a bit of an experiment, and not a perfect polished package straight away. 

Which leads neatly on to….


3. You’re afraid no-one will buy it

This is a massive mindset block:

It’s a fear of failure. 

What happens if you go out there and promote a masterclass you’re really excited about and believe in, but no-one buys?  

I love to get people to actually answer this question.

What does happen if no-one buys it? 

Absolutely nothing. 

Yes it’ll sting a bit. Yes your mind will try to tell you negative things about yourself as a result. Yes you might have to explain to a couple of people that it won’t be going ahead after all. 

But you will still be the same amazing person afterwards. 

Except now, as well as being an amazing person you will also have something else: information and experience. 

You’ll have evidence of what works and what doesn’t. You’ll have a lovely ‘failure’ under your belt to learn from and when you’re ready you’ll be able to dust yourself down and say “I’m so glad I tried: what shall I do next?”

Nothing you ever do in your wellness business is wasted. You will always learn from the process and no business is built on 100% success. 

Try flipping your mindset – what happens if people do buy it?! What happens if this is exactly what people have been looking for and finally you are delivering it and they share it with all their friends and you sell-out in hours?  

You’ll never get to experience that possible reality if you don’t put yourself out there and promote your online workshop. 

Who are you to not put your online workshop out there? 

You don’t have to be great to start. But you have to start to be great. 




3 mindset blaocks that are stopping you from taking your business online.png


Want to run a wellness business but are too scared to start? My book Just Start Now – Unlock your entrepreneur mindset teaches you how to move past the fear and start servicing clients.

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