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Just Start Now podcast graphic building confidence Vicky Shilling

November 29, 2021

[046] How to build confidence if you haven’t had many (or any) clients yet

I'm Vicky Shilling

A Self Belief Business Coach, podcast host, author and I help you overcome your paralysis and grow the self-belief you need to grow a thriving business.

My magic is in helping you cultivate a mindset that supports the actions that you need to take to get the outcomes you desire.

Strategy + Beliefs =
Business Prosperity


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In this podcast I discuss how to build confidence when you’re right at the beginning of your wellness business journey with a few tips:
  • Remember no-one is born confident. It’s something you develop. First you need to build up courage to try things (and potentially fail!) in order to reach confidence: it’s a leap
  • Ask yourself: what is the difference between you now and you having had loads of clients? What is that person, that fully booked version of you, like? What decision would you make? What would you think? How would your act? Be that person right now. It’s a choice.
  • Don’t get bogged down in the ‘how’ of achieving the big picture. Focus on your next step, on what you can do and what is within your scope right now. Keep taking those steps, one by one.
  • See everything as an experiment. You can’t get it right or wrong! Taking action and giving something a go to see what you learn, is more important than the outcome.
  • Surround yourself with positive Inspiration and uplifting voices that say you can make this work and get lots of paying clients. You are the average of the 5 people you surround yourself with! (Come and join Just Start Now if you need a community to cheer you along and give you structure to your actions)
  • Accept that quiet is normal when you are getting started – don’t get sucked into the fast growth messaging you see on adverts and from big name business owners. It’s normal (and good!) to see gradual growth to ensure you’re building trust with your audience.
  • Consider offering something free to remind yourself you’re awesome. This should not be all the time, but a short, limited number offer of free sessions or places can be a helpful boost to using your skills and re-connecting with ideal customers to see what they need from you.
  • Borrow my belief – I think you’re amazing and you can do this! Take a big dose and use it as courage to take your next steps.

If you need help with busting some of these mindset blocks, I wrote Just Start Now – Unlock your entrepreneur mindset and grow your wellness business for you!

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