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How to market your wellness business without social media

Hate socials? You can still grow a business without it. Let me show you how. 

Get instant access to this mini-course now!👇🏼

Do you ever find yourself wondering: is it really necessary for me to use social media to grow a wellness business?

If you don’t want to be gripped to your phone on the daily, loath the unending necessity to pump out content and want to spend your time living a healthy and connected life that doesn’t involve tiny squares, comments and likes, then social media can feel a bit…. ick.

Have you started to wonder: if I don’t enjoy social media, maybe I’m just not cut out for running my own business?

I’m here to tell you there is another way. A more effective way to market your business that feels more aligned, more sustainable and more you than the relentless churn of socials. 

This is how to market your wellness business without social media.

Life and business beyond social media.

I love social media, but I know life and business is way more than pictures and words in little squares. 

In July 2021, after consistently posting to my social media since 2016 to grow my blog and my business, I took two months off. 

Cold turkey. Deleted all the apps. Silenced all notifications. And stepped away completely from Instagram, Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn. 

It felt scary, but it also felt necessary. 

I had reached the point where every pause of my life was punctuated by picking up my phone to check messages, comments and likes. It was deteriorating my ability to focus and be present in the real world and was distracting me from dedicating time on other ways I could grow my business in a more sustainable way. 

Those two months I had away from social media (and the many more I've taken since) were a revelation. And now I want to share what I’ve learned and the other places I’ve focused my energy to keep my business growing without socials, with you. 

Why should we step away from relying on social media?

You can be locked out of your account any time or banned. All that time and effort you’ve put in, gone in an instant. Scary.

You don’t own the contact details of the people that you connect or follow you; you’re building your business on land that isn’t yours.

Algorithms change constantly - one day you’ve got it sussed, the next your views slump. You’re not in control, it’s super frustrating.

Increasingly you need to pay to be seen. The way social platforms are designed, you need to spend more and more time for less and less results until you hand over cash to get in front of your audience.

Research shows it has the power to affect your ability to think deeply, focus and remember things. Bad use affects your mental health and impacts on things like your self-esteem, anxiety and stress levels. 

There are better, smarter ways to market your wellness business. Social media alone is not a long term sustainable plan, and whichever you choose it will lose popularity and disappear one day (hello MySpace!) 

Ready to step away and stop relying on social media?

Here’s how this mini course works...

video training

Covering four areas of building your business without social media, each module includes a video training in the learning portal for you to watch and absorb in your own time. 

Each training is fully subtitled and available in audio format too, so you can consume in the way that’s easiest for you. Each module's training totals maximum 60 minutes and the course comes with a workbook. 

video training

live Q&A sessions


During May 2023 I’ll be gathering everyone who’s invested in this course together for extra support and accountability to work through the content. And before you ask, no… it’s not another Facebook group! I couldn’t run a course about rejecting social media and then expect you to log on to a Mark Zuckerberg platform to take part, could I?!

Instead I’ll be introducing you to a different space where, if you wish, you can interact, share and support other like-minded wellness business owners looking to grow, away from social media.

If you’re ready to learn how to do business without relying on social media and find consistent, enjoyable, tried-and-tested alternative marketing tools, enrol today.

What my clients say


“I found the course amazing.

Before I joined I was floundering around and knew I was relying on Instagram too much. But finding other paths to market myself felt very overwhelming. 

Your course and the information in it were so helpful and practical. The workbook was so useful too. Thank you so much, it’s been brilliant.”

Triona Gunning, Early Years Insights

“I really enjoyed the pace and content and would recommend it.

I hoped to learn more ways to market my business, with practical steps and my expectations were definitely met: I liked how Vicky also covered mindset blocks along the way.

There wasn’t too much content to get through to make it feel overwhelming and I loved the community feel. The course has made me realise I don't need years of experience, I can do this now."

Rachel Fletcher, Nutritionist

“Honestly, this is one of the best courses I have ever done.

I can now create a plan for myself so that I can focus on several different marketing tactics, not just shouting on Instagram! I hoped to get some practical tools and ideas and I totally did, my expectations were exceeded.

I love Vicky’s clear, to the point and friendly delivery. I would have paid more for it. It was incredible value for £100.”

Bea Christie, Self Belief Coach

“The course was absolutely brilliant.

I've never liked "selling " on social media and I’ve always had a big issue with content.  I have a good to-do list that I can now take action on - there were ways to promote myself that had never crossed my mind.

I loved the live Q&A sessions, it was great to get questions answered and to hear from others on the same journey. I love all your courses, podcast and content Vicky! Thank you!”

Ana Stefan, Yoga & Pilates Teacher

“I loved the video trainings and gained loads of knowledge and insight. 

Before doing this course I was feeling overwhelmed by all the things we are told we 'should' be doing on socials, wondering how anyone finds the time!

There were some really useful ideas presented and I'm excited about implementing them. The templates and suggestions around how to do things rather than just what to do were really helpful."

Beckie Shuttleworth, Yoga Teacher and Children's Well-being Mentor

“Just want to say THANK YOU so much for this course.

It was one of the most beneficial marketing courses I have attended."

Dalia Zeinaty, Pilates Instructor

Here’s what I know is possible….

  • A business that doesn’t revolve around likes, comments, shares and saves
  • A business that doesn’t require you to maintain a huge following in order to make money and be successful 
  • A business that you really enjoy showing up for and that more than sustains you (they’re not mutually exclusive!) 
  • A business that feels aligned with how you want to live your life: free to spend your time doing things you love and are good at with less stress, less anxiety and no burnout

Want to join How to market your wellness business without social media?

Your investment?

Just €100

Hate socials? You can still grow a business without it. Let me show you how. 

Get instant access to this mini-course now!👇🏼

This mini-course is for you if…

  • You’re ready to take intentional action in your business to step away from relying on socials and find a way to promote what you do in a way that works better for you

  • You’re ready to discover a different way to market your business, a way that honours your commitment to health and living in the present each day 

  • You want to feel connected to other business owners opting out of endless production of content for someone else’s platform and doing business on their own terms too

I’m looking for wellness business owners who are ready to commit to marketing their business in a different way.  

Are you with us?

Sign up to get instant access to this mini course today 👇🏼

Frequently Asked Questions

How long do I get access to the content if I join the programme?

Lifetime access! And obviously 'lifetime' means for as long as my business is running and I am producing and hosting all of this work.

It's not quite the right time for me. Will you be running this mini-course again?

I run a live round of the course once a year for anyone who’s invested in the course to work through the content for extra support and accountability and access to the live Q&A calls with Vicky. But this isn’t essential; it’s just a bonus if you’re looking for further help. There are no set dates for when this will happen again.  

I haven't even started my business, I've only recently qualified. Will this be relevant for me?

100% yes. If you've just qualified and you're looking on at social media and feeling overwhelmed, like it's something you don't want to get sucked into, this course will be a perfect grounding to teach you other techniques and methods to start building your client base.

I do use social media and I don't want to give it up completely. Is this still going to be relevant?

Yes. Personally, I'm not someone who's going to advocate completely rejecting social media. You can if you want, but the tools and techniques I'll be sharing are things that can be complementary ways to promote yourself and gain clients alongside what you're doing on social media.

Is there a community?

No, this is a self-paced course with no additional support. 

If you are looking for on-going support and community beyond this course then we would love to have you with us inside the Just Start Now course and community.

What kind of business owner is this for? Do I have to be at a certain stage in business?

Everyone, no matter what stage in business you’re at, is welcome to learn how to market without social media.

Whether you’re just getting started and feeling all the fear about using socials, or you’re many years into this and feeling like you need a refresh and refocus on how you market yourself, I’ve created this mini-course to be a place for you to discover the range of different, more sustainable ways to grow your business that are being overlooked with all the focus on social media right now.

What results does this mini-course guarantee?


This mini-course isn’t about quick fix solutions or step-by-step formulas for business success. It will present you with a range of different methods that you could use to grow your business without relying on social media. It's then up to you to choose what you're going to do and follow through with the actions necessary.

I’ll be sharing with you insights and lessons learned from my own business journey and my recent experience stepping away from social media regularly for months at a time over the last few years, during which I've been studying and reading up about doing life and business with less tech.

Ultimately this course is here to present you with all the different ways you can be marketing and growing your wellness business without the pressures and worries of social media - the results are then down to you.

© Vicky Shilling Ltd. 2019-2024 

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