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March 27, 2023

[073] How to achieve more stable income as a wellness practitioner

I'm Vicky Shilling

A Self Belief Business Coach, podcast host, author and I help you overcome your paralysis and grow the self-belief you need to grow a thriving business.

My magic is in helping you cultivate a mindset that supports the actions that you need to take to get the outcomes you desire.

Strategy + Beliefs =
Business Prosperity


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In this episode I talk about four ways to achieve more stable income as a wellness practitioner:

1. The need to create products that answer people’s problems

If you don’t have a single or suite of offers that help people and are priced to meet your income needs, you can’t make stable income, it’s that simple. When it’s client-centred, mostly this will be ongoing work in some way, or repeat business. I’d strongly recommend you need an ongoing signature offer.

2. Find a way that you love to consistently market yourself

There are loads of ways, but you need to find one that suits you and stick to it consistently in order to make stable income! Check out ideas in my blog ‘How to market your wellness business‘ or if you hate social media then listen to episode 50 to find out more about ‘How to market your business without social media‘ 

3. Diversify your income streams so you’re not reliant on one thing

This should be done gradually: master one product or offer and get good at marketing and filling it, then add on new products and offers. Long term these will be things that require less of your 1:1 time and personalisation to allow you to help more people. 

4. Believe that stable income is possible

You can do all the practical things listed here but if you don’t fundamentally believe stable income as a wellness practitioner is possible then it won’t happen for you. Surround yourself digitally and physically with people making it happen and remove yourself and your mind from constant thoughts of suffering and struggle with money. Pick up a copy of my book for more help on shifting your mindset with this. 

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Just Start Now by author Vicky Shilling

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