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Just Start Now podcast graphic with Josh Hyman from interact

May 15, 2023

[080] How to use quizzes to grow your wellness business with Josh Haynam from Interact

I'm Vicky Shilling

A wellness business mentor, podcast host, author and I help you start and grow a successful wellness business.

My magic is in being able to break down the practical and strategic parts of business building, coupled with helping you cultivate a mindset that supports those actions to get the outcomes you desire.

Strategy + Beliefs =
Business Prosperity


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If you’ve listened to my content for any length of time you’ll know I’m a big fan of growing a mailing list and in order to do this I really believe having some sort of freebie or lead magnet massively improves your chances of getting people to hand over their email address. 

When you’re getting started this can look like a simple downloadable guide, checklist or e-book. But as your business grows a quiz might be something you want to explore to bring people into your world and onto your list. 

This is where I got to a couple of years ago in my business and so I chose Interact software to set up my quiz – what’s blocking you in your wellness business?

Since then I’ve also developed my quiz helping you identify your business model archetype which was a spin-off from Chapter 5 in my book Just Start Now all about doing things your way. 

Ever since then, I get questions pretty much every week from people about quiz software and how to design a good one. So it felt only right to invite co-founder of Interact* Josh Haynam onto the podcast to share insight from what he sees working well in the world of quizzes for generating leads and customers for your wellness business.

In this episode we talk about: 
  • The way quizzes mimic the way the brain works and what makes them so addictive and intriguing to us as users 
  • How quizzes are a great way to create connection and intimacy (or as Josh points out in-to-me-see!) with your ideal customers, greeting them and starting a conversation without you needing to chat in person 
  • How Interact is using AI* to help build great quizzes fast, yet how Josh still sees real human interaction as the bedrock of all successful businesses
  • When it’s a good time to use a quiz in your business and when it’s not and the point where automation really fits in 

Find out more about Josh:

Josh is the co-founder of interact quiz builder*, the leading quiz software founded in 2013 and bootstrapped to more than 7,500 customers. Outside of work, Josh enjoys connecting with people, being outdoors, and pursuing a life of adventure.

Connect with Josh on LinkedIn

*Links to Interact are affiliate links which mean if you sign up for a paid plan by clicking these I will receive a 30% referral fee, at no extra cost to you. I only recommend products and services I use and love myself. 

Create a quiz with or without the help of AI with Interact

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