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October 8, 2023

[086] Harness your subconscious to build your career with Freya Powell

I'm Vicky Shilling

A Self Belief Business Coach, podcast host, author and I help you overcome your paralysis and grow the self-belief you need to grow a thriving business.

My magic is in helping you cultivate a mindset that supports the actions that you need to take to get the outcomes you desire.

Strategy + Beliefs =
Business Prosperity


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Freya Powell is a career coach with a difference. She works with women who are feeling out of alignment with their career or business to dig deeper and harness the power of their subconscious to gain clarity on their ‘YOU-shaped career or business’. She also goes beyond this to help women release their mindset blocks and quieten their inner critic, using EFT and other subconscious transformation techniques. so they can achieve their ambitions with more ease. 

In this episode we talk about: 
  • What the subconscious is and how it can help or hinder your career or business and your ability to make change.
  • How the subconscious can be viewed like a computer with too many tabs open, running some distracting and unhelpful YouTube videos in the background of our lives which can be closed down using EFT or other subconscious re-programming tools
  • The many tools that are available to shift old stories and beliefs held from the past – and how some can be fun and quick to implement, rather than longer and sometimes harder methods of more traditional talking therapy
  • What EFT is and how this fits into the toolkit of being able to navigate change and release feelings and thoughts that block you taking action

If you enjoyed this episode you might also like episode 76 with Sinead Doohan How your past might be preventing your business success.

Connect with Freya:

Freya’s website


Freya on Instagram

Find out more about working with Freya

Access Freya’s free release meditation

Learn the basics of EFT and how you can use it on your own + 30 minute practice session with Freya – get 30% discount with code VICKY30

Any questions about this episode drop me an email (, send me a DM on Instagram or book in a chat here.

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